Adventures - BrendaLefflerHarteau

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In 2015, I accepted a challenge to hike the 24-mile Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in support of the Minnesota-based non-profit, the Smile Network. Janeé joined me on the 4-day hike and we completed the trek together, even managing to cohabitate in a tent in relative harmony.

After the hike, we assisted the Smile Network at a hospital in Cusco as doctors performed life-saving surgeries on Peruvian children.  

Hiking above the clouds on Mount Redcloud, a 14,000’ peak in the Colorado wilderness.  In the summer months, I wake up at 2 a.m., drive to a trailhead and hike a 14er… I’d rather get up early than get hit by the lightning that plagues Colorado peaks most afternoons.

Handies Peak, in the southwest part of Colorado, is my favorite 14er.  The trail is gradual, free of ankle-busting skree and passes fields of wildflowers and waterfalls.

What you can’t see in the photo is me shivering.  I rented a wetsuit, special “gummy” shoes and a wooden stick to hike the Narrows in Zion National Park and underestimated the impact of being in cold water for 6 hours.  Next time, I’ll give this one a try in the heat of summer.  

 Quandary Peak, in early June. It was a brutal, wind-filled day, but the views from the top were epic and well worth the effort.  

I took a great friend up Sneffles Peak and managed to lead us off-route and into a dangerous cliff field. After clawing our way to the peak, I stopped on the way down for this shot.  

You can’t beat downtown Denver for an afternoon of beer, good friends and a Colorado Rockies game.         
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